CoOLest Girl ^^

captured in a light heart to share every moments i take . :)

Feb 3, 2011

Selena Gomez-The Way I Loved You

Everything's cool, yeah.
It's all gonna be okay, yeah.
And I know maybe I'll even laugh about
it someday, but not today, no.
Cause I don't feel so good, I'm tangled
up inside. My heart is on my sleeve. Tomorrow is a mystery to me.

And it might be wonderful.
It might be magical. It might
be everything I've waited for, a miracle. Oh, but even if I fall in love again with someone new. It could never be the way I loved you.

Letting you go, is making me feel so
cold, yeah. And I've been trying to
make believe it doesn't hurt. But that
makes it worse, yeah. See I'm a wreck
inside, my tounge is tied, and my
whole body feels so weak. The future
may be all I really need.

And it might be wonderful, yeah.
It might be magical. It might be
everything I've waited for a miracle,
oh but even if I fall in love again
with someone new it could never be
the way I loved you.

Like a first love the one and only
true love wasn't it written it all
over of my face? Yeah I loved you like
you loved me, like someone pure, and
holy. Like something that could never
be replaced.

And it was wonderful. It was magical.
It was everything I waited for, a miracle. And if I should ever fall in love again with someone new, it could never be the way, no it will never be the way I loved you.

Feb 2, 2011

My Life is just FINE.

heyyyyyaaaa !

lame gile gile gile tak bukak @ update blog ni .

wahhh3 , rindu kott .

dah takde mase laa nak update2 ni dah .
no time !

well , dis year is a busy year for me.


sangaatt penatt !

awal2 tahun pun dah penat,belum lagi bila dah tengah2 tahun tuu ,

sure la lagi penat .

however , aku akan try sedaya upaya untuk bertahan !

yahhhh !!

aja-aja fighting !
chaiyokk !
gambatte kudaisai !

yoshiii2 , i'll try da best cause there no word call impossible but i'm possible !

hahaaa ! cilokk moto orang . ampun2 !

ermmm , itulah life aku ..

life aku ?
my life ?

yeee..better than last year .maybe..

huhhh !

entah laa . dis year aku rasa aku lebih free .

yahh .. free !

free nak buat ape yang aku nak .

bukan macam last year , nak buat ni sikit pun dah takut .

ape daaa !!

takde confident langsung .

but , itulah azam aku for dis year .

nak tingkatkan tahap keyakinan diri !

dari takut nak bercakap ke berani untuk bercakap .

iyiyiiiii .

haa !

kalau siapa2 yang tak faham aku tu, diorang sure punya cakap yang aku ni pendiam and pemalu ..

whoaaa~ memang tak patut betul laa..

actually , aku ni bukannya orang macam tuu..

no3 !!

aku ni banyak cakap je ..

tapi dengan certain2 orang je laa .

tu pun kalau diorang rapat dengan aku .

kalau tak , harap maaf la yerkk .

hoHOo ^^.

aiyoooo! hehh , macam2 laa aku ni .

nak cakap pasal benda lain ,

tapi menyimpang benda lain .

ish3 .. nampak sangat laa life aku ni messy gile !!

ye laa , admit2 !

memang life aku ni messy gile pun .

dah la messy .

gile pulak tuu .

adoyyy~ sabar je le .

tapi , semessy2 aku ni pun , i'm still cool babe .

no clumsy2 .

hahaaa . ye laa sangat tuu .
urmm , even ramai yang cakap dis year aku nampak semangat .
ye ke ?
itu luaran je .
dalaman ni ? takde siapa tahu .
feeling aku ? siapa yang faham ?
takde siapa pun paham .
okay laa , admit !
awal-awal tahun ni pun , dah berapa kali dah aku nanges.
agak banyak laa .
ishhh , segan2 !
ni semua disebabkan certain2 orang yang bengong, mangkuk ayun and segale benda laa .
yang tak pernah nak jage feeling orang lain .
yang tak pernah nak appreciate orang .
selfish !
annoying !
huhhh !!
mood aku yang elok nih tiba2 jadi down sebab diorang ni .
oke !! fine !
seriously , lepas ni .
tak nak fikir pasal diorang dah .
dah penat dah .
sekarang ni , aku just nak focus my study .
for sure , matlamat aku , straight a's for PMR .
yahhh !! Malaysia boleh !! aku pun boleh !!
ahakss , poyo kejap .
hahaaa .
haa , di sini jugak aku nak ambik kesempatan untuk
mengucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih laa to my lovely friends
yang selama ni support aku time aku senang and susah .
love korang laa ! XD
*the end*
till the next post .
